2021 GMC Acadia
#39 of 2021 SUVs
#64 of all 2021 vehicles
The 2021 GMC Acadia is average compared to all vehicles.

We estimate that the 2021 GMC Acadia has a vehicle lifetime fatality chance of 0.0385% and a vehicle lifetime injury chance of 4.393%, meaning the average driver has a 0.0385% chance of dying in an accident if they drive the car under regular conditions for fifteen years, and a 4.393% chance of being injured.
Compared to the average vehicle, the 2021 GMC Acadia is 17% less likely to result in a fatal accident. Compared to other suvs, the 2021 GMC Acadia is 5% less likely to result in a fatal accident.
2021 GMC Acadia offers AEB optionally. With AEB, the vehicle lifetime fatality chance drops by 13%.
Active safety features on the 2021 GMC Acadia can protect loved ones by reducing accident severity and preventing accidents. An active safety system that is standard on the 2021 GMC Acadia is Enhanced Automatic Braking with Front Pedestrian Braking. Optional safety features on the 2021 GMC Acadia which we recommend include Lane Keep Assist with Lane Departure Warning and Side Blind Zone Alert.
Another safety feature seems simpler but should still be considered. Standard side mirror turn signals can help when you don't see a vehicle in your blind spot, by alerting them to your intention to switch lanes, which allows the other driver to avoid an accident with you.