2023 Volkswagen Golf GTI
#34 of 2023 Sedan/Hatchback/Wagons
#98 of all 2023 vehicles
The Golf GTI, which Volkswagen introduced in , is a small hatchback/wagon with seating up to 5. The Volkswagen Golf GTI provides superior horsepower for its class, offering great power. Volkswagen offers a 6-year, 72,000-mile basic/powertrain warranty on its lineup.
The 2023 Volkswagen Golf GTI is average compared to all vehicles.

We estimate that the 2023 Volkswagen Golf GTI has a vehicle lifetime fatality chance of 0.0398% and a vehicle lifetime injury chance of 4.5456%, meaning the average driver has a 0.0398% chance of dying in an accident if they drive the car under regular conditions for fifteen years, and a 4.5456% chance of being injured.
Compared to the average vehicle, the 2023 Volkswagen Golf GTI is 15% less likely to result in a fatal accident. Compared to other sedans, hatchbacks, and wagons, the 2023 Volkswagen Golf GTI is 21% less likely to result in a fatal accident.
Active safety features greatly enhance occupant safety by reducing the likelihood of a crash. The following active safety systems are included even on lower trims/versions of the 2023 Volkswagen Golf GTI: Front Assist, Lane Assist, and Blind Spot Monitor.
Some safety technologies get a lot of press, but others may also improve safety. Standard Cornering Headlights / Leveling Head Lamps better illuminate the road ahead --- the lights point towards the direction that the vehicle is heading. Standard side mirror turn signals can help when you don't see a vehicle in your blind spot, by alerting them to your intention to switch lanes, which allows the other driver to avoid an accident with you.