2022 Chevrolet Silverado
#11 of 2022 Pickups
#149 of all 2022 vehicles
The 2022 Chevrolet Silverado is below average compared to all vehicles.

We estimate that the 2022 Chevrolet Silverado has a vehicle lifetime fatality chance of 0.0477% and a vehicle lifetime injury chance of 5.4506%, meaning the average driver has a 0.0477% chance of dying in an accident if they drive the car under regular conditions for fifteen years, and a 5.4506% chance of being injured.
Compared to the average vehicle, the 2022 Chevrolet Silverado is 2% more likely to result in a fatal accident. Compared to other pickups, the 2022 Chevrolet Silverado is 11% less likely to result in a fatal accident.
Active safety features with Chevrolet's Chevy Safety Assist can substantially reduce the risks of harm to vehicle occupants by preventing severe accidents. Active safety systems that are standard on the Chevrolet Silverado include: Forward Collision Alert (FCA), Automatic Emergency Braking with Front Pedestrian Braking, and Lane Keep Assist with Lane Departure Warning.