2023 Volkswagen Golf R
#28 of 2023 Sedan/Hatchback/Wagons
#85 of all 2023 vehicles
The Golf R, introduced by Volkswagen in , is a small hatchback/wagon with seating up to 5. The Volkswagen Golf R has exceptional horsepower for its class, packing substantial oomph. With standard all-wheel drive (AWD), it can easily bypass mud and snow. Volkswagen offers a 6-year, 72,000-mile basic/powertrain warranty on its lineup.
The 2023 Volkswagen Golf R is average compared to all vehicles.

We estimate that the 2023 Volkswagen Golf R has a vehicle lifetime fatality chance of 0.0378% and a vehicle lifetime injury chance of 4.3223%, meaning the average driver has a 0.0378% chance of dying in an accident if they drive the car under regular conditions for fifteen years, and a 4.3223% chance of being injured.
Compared to the average vehicle, the 2023 Volkswagen Golf R is 19% less likely to result in a fatal accident. Compared to other sedans, hatchbacks, and wagons, the 2023 Volkswagen Golf R is 25% less likely to result in a fatal accident.
Active safety features can substantially reduce the risks of harm to vehicle occupants by preventing severe accidents. All trims and versions of the 2023 Volkswagen Golf R include the following active safety systems: Front Assist, Lane Assist, and Blind Spot Monitor.
Some advanced safety features --- while not cutting edge --- can still improve vehicle safety. Standard Light Assist automatically switches high beam headlights off when oncoming traffic is approaching and turns them back on when there aren't any vehicles ahead. Standard side mirror turn signals alert others of your intention to turn or switch lanes allowing them to react accordingly, which can prevent accidents caused by not seeing a vehicle in the blind spot.